I’m Balázs Szilágyi, the founder and author of ComfortablyCooking.com.
For over 10 years, I have been publishing online recipes. Perhaps you’ve already come across one of my articles, maybe on Spicy Goulash, Love to Eat Italian or Jumping Pumpkin.
I only got acquainted with the air fryer in 2022, quite “late”. Somehow, I had missed this technological innovation, or rather, I had avoided it. Read my initial thoughts on the topic by clicking on the link. However, since my experience was very positive, and particularly because my “air-fried breaded meat” recipe quickly climbed to the top of Google’s search results, I decided to share my experiences, tips, and recipes on the subject.

If you’re interested in air fryers, or if you’re looking for recipes and tips, you’re in the right place! I hope to help make the use of this modern kitchen appliance a true pleasure and joy for you!
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